of quanttype
Topic pages: Clojure, code review, Coq, photography, Python
Here are all the posts that have appeared on quanttype. You can also browse them by cover pictures.
- Storing timeseries data (2025-03-28)
- Leader election with S3 and If-Match (2025-02-28)
- New winds (2025-01-31)
- Yearnote 2024 (2025-01-08)
- Weeknote 19: ADRs record decisions (2024-12-22)
- Weeknote 18: Code comments (2024-12-15)
- Weeknote 17: Caching Docker builds on GitHub Actions (2024-12-08)
- Weeknote 16: Late code review (2024-12-01)
- Weeknote 15: Technology radar (2024-11-24)
- Weeknote 14: Throwing it away (2024-11-17)
- Weeknote 13: Deterministic Simulation Testing (2024-11-10)
- Weeknote 12: In the weeds (2024-11-04)
- Weeknote 11: Weeknotes (2024-10-27)
- Weeknote 10: Prototyping (2024-10-21)
- Weeknote 9: EuroRust 2024 (2024-10-14)
- Weeknote 8: Feedback (2024-10-06)
- Weeknote 7: Memray + k8s (2024-09-30)
- Weeknote 6: Heart of Clojure (2024-09-25)
- Weeknote 5: Broken Input (2024-09-15)
- Weeknote 4: Debugging Tools (2024-09-08)
- Weeknote 3: Object Storage (2024-09-02)
- Weeknote 2: Developer Experience (2024-08-25)
- Weeknote 1: Schema Evolution (2024-08-18)
- paketoi 0.1 (2024-04-23)
- A toolbox of methods (2024-03-27)
- GitHub's PRs could be better (2024-02-29)
- Creating AWS Lambda zip files with Pex (2024-01-31)
- Yearnote 2023 (2024-01-09)
- Do not use requirements.txt (2023-10-31)
- Recipes for updating poetry.lock (2023-05-25)
- Branchless git workflows (2023-05-14)
- Yearnote 2022 (2023-01-21)
- SQL, Clojure, and editor support (2022-06-20)
- What does `identical?` do? (2022-06-15)
- Tasks of a schema migration tool (2022-05-16)
- Schema migrations and avoiding downtime (2022-05-02)
- Clojure and what could've been (2022-04-06)
- Yearnote 2021 (2022-01-16)
- Split tokens in Clojure (2021-09-04)
- Enjoying the silence (2021-03-30)
- clojure.xml and untrusted input (2021-03-13)
- clojure.spec and untrusted input (2021-03-06)
- Why take notes, anyway? (2021-02-27)
- The goal is to deliver working software (2021-02-20)
- Winter-posting (2021-02-13)
- When to not use code review (2021-02-06)
- Writing is a core skill for developers (2021-01-30)
- Clojure project automation tool of my dreams (2021-01-23)
- Yearnote 2020 (2021-01-06)
- NixOS impressions (2020-12-20)
- Code review in context (2020-12-13)
- New shell prompt with Starship (2020-12-06)
- Early impressions on morning pages (2020-11-29)
- Code review is for collaboration (2020-11-22)
- Why bother with Integrant? (2020-11-15)
- Two albums of sad music (2020-11-08)
- What are DIDs? (2020-11-01)
- Caching HTTP requests in Clojure (2020-10-25)
- Generating random tokens in Clojure (2020-10-18)
- clj-branca: lessons learned (2020-10-11)
- Branca and yak shaving (2020-10-04)
- Solving the diamond problem with shading (2020-09-27)
- Local memoized recursive functions (2020-09-20)
- No blog this week (2020-09-13)
- Is this art? (2020-09-06)
- JWT and its alternatives (2020-08-30)
- Looking good in a suit (2020-08-23)
- The minimalist program (2020-08-16)
- Two things that make logging out hard (2020-08-09)
- Summer reading (2020-08-02)
- Signing .jars is worthless (2020-07-26)
- On paddling (2020-07-19)
- Summer vacation (2020-06-14)
- Building software without hiring anyone (2020-06-07)
- Who is going to use the programming language? (2020-05-31)
- Automating spec-tools releases (2020-05-24)
- Have you seen the swan? (2020-05-17)
- Essential features of data specification libraries (2020-05-10)
- Schema, Spec, and Malli (2020-05-03)
- Elegant knowledge transfer (2020-04-26)
- Ricoh GR III, a year later (2020-04-19)
- Put files where they are expected (2020-04-12)
- Video calls are cool but have you tried writing (2020-04-05)
- Freezing deployments is risky (2020-03-29)
- Working from home: initial impressions (2020-03-12)
- Programming is writing (2020-02-25)
- Making decisions without asking your boss (2020-02-19)
- No need for something to say (2020-02-12)
- Logging request IDs in Tornado (2020-02-05)
- Hello again, Python (2020-01-19)
- Joys of a heavy camera (2020-01-12)
- Yearnote 2019 (2020-01-05)
- Standard problems, standard solutions (2019-12-19)
- Just automate syntax formatting (2019-12-12)
- Keeping code review fast (2019-12-05)
- The power of code review (2019-11-28)
- Coercing JSON with malli (2019-11-20)
- Karhunkierros IV (2019-11-14)
- Karhunkierros III (2019-11-07)
- Karhunkierros II (2019-10-31)
- Karhunkierros I (2019-10-24)
- The joys of coverage (2019-10-10)
- The hallway track conference (2019-08-12)
- Interpreting Moriyama (2019-07-24)
- Ricoh GR III - initial impressions (2019-05-26)
- Handbrewing coffee (2019-03-06)
- Revisiting Clojure testing (2019-01-29)
- Yearnote 2018 (2019-01-06)
- How I use tap> (2018-10-18)
- Clojure libraries I recommend (2018-10-14)
- Why interceptors? (2018-09-03)
- I made a backpack (2018-08-21)
- Fully automated releases (2018-08-11)
- Migrated to Hugo (2018-08-05)
- Lead Developer London 2018 (2018-07-05)
- A night in Nuuksio (2018-05-15)
- Edit clipboard contents in Vim (2018-05-07)
- How to write a talk proposal (2018-03-19)
- Name this conversation pattern (2018-01-22)
- Yearnote 2017 (2018-01-06)
- Secure Scuttlebutt: some technical details (2017-12-30)
- A new JSON library appears (2017-12-21)
- Break from blogging (2017-09-14)
- What is first-order logic? (2017-08-28)
- Please publish changelogs (2017-08-21)
- Write more macros (2017-08-14)
- Hiking from Pyhä to Luosto (2017-08-07)
- Summer vacation (2017-07-17)
- Focus on understandble code (2017-07-11)
- What is pair programming like? (2017-07-04)
- Using Beeminder to keep blogging (2017-06-27)
- What are hybrid maps? (2017-06-15)
- ZuriHac 2017 (2017-06-11)
- Commit messages are worthless (2017-06-02)
- On sailing (2017-05-27)
- On JSONfeed (2017-05-20)
- clojure.spec for configuration validation (2017-05-12)
- What is functional analysis? (2017-05-07)
- JUnit output for Clojure tests (2017-04-27)
- prog1 in Clojure (2017-04-20)
- Darkroom update (2017-04-14)
- Keskustalaisuus vaalikoneessa (2017-04-09)
- How I use Anki (2017-04-02)
- Configuring Clojure apps (2017-03-23)
- Thinking about gear (acquisition syndrome) (2017-03-19)
- Ice in black and white (2017-03-12)
- The surprises of photography (2017-03-04)
- Reading highlights from 2016 (2017-02-25)
- Technical tooling for making better software (2017-02-16)
- Running ClojureScript tests with Karma (2017-02-08)
- Clojure test runner of my dreams (2017-01-26)
- Curry On and ZuriHac (2016-07-30)
- Some questions (June 2016) (2016-06-28)
- On feeling guilty about not being good enough (2016-06-21)
- You'll want locally scoped CSS (2016-06-14)
- Why look beyond JavaScript? (2016-06-07)
- What is descriptive set theory? (2016-05-24)
- How I solved the Orbital Challenge (2016-05-17)
- Mamiya RB67 Pro-S (2016-05-10)
- What's the point of dependent types? (2016-05-03)
- We're in early days of software engineering (2016-04-26)
- Finding that lemma: Coq search commands (2016-04-19)
- How to divide by zero? (2016-04-12)
- Take better photos by looking carefully (2016-04-05)
- defaultdicts all the way down (2016-03-29)
- Runtime exceptions in Elm (2016-03-22)
- Multitenant Flask-SQLAlchemy (2016-03-15)
- What is forcing, anyway? (2016-03-08)
- Elementary algebra in Coq: Trivial group (2016-03-01)
- Please give demanding tech talks (2016-02-23)
- Elementary algebra in Coq: Defining a group (2016-02-16)
- What's in a proof? (2016-02-09)
- Getting started with Coq (2016-02-02)
- Helsinki Haskell User Group (2016-01-26)
- On Infinite Jest (2016-01-19)
- The bare minimum to know about RELAX NG (2016-01-12)
- Yearnote 2015 (2015-12-27)
- Math is hard, let's go blogging (2015-12-23)
- Code review requires trust (2015-12-16)
- Color film update (2015-12-08)
- Python is not good enough (2015-12-02)
- Printers now work (2015-11-25)
- Spinning while sleeping (2015-11-18)
- Joylent mini-review (2015-11-11)
- Dabbling in film photography (2015-11-04)
- Webpacking a project (2015-10-28)
- Exercising is like eating (2015-10-21)
- Moral obligations of ad blocking (2015-10-09)
- Commandments for code review (2015-09-07)
- Some questions I can't answer (2015-09-06)
- Everyday carry (August 2015) (2015-08-30)
- Copenhagen highlights (2015-08-18)
- Shell pro-tip: create weekly working directories (2015-08-10)
- Wash your smelly travel towel with vinegar (2015-08-02)
- FRP and self-adjusting computation (2015-07-25)
- Running is great for lazy people (2015-07-20)
- The Moat of Scrumbut (2015-07-13)
- Speech as art (2015-07-06)
- A Mind for Numbers (2015-06-29)
- Spend some time away from computers (2015-06-22)
- ROS: Good, bad and ugly (2015-06-15)
- The Law of Partial Test Coverage (2015-06-08)
- Good math exercises build trust (2015-06-01)
- Quickly jumping between git branches (2015-05-23)
- Emacs: Get the path for current buffer from command-line (2015-05-17)
- Birds and context-free grammars (2015-04-27)
- You should take lecture notes with pen and paper (2015-04-21)
- Tornien taisto is coming soon (2015-04-14)
- New theorem prover: Lean (2015-04-07)
- The value of MOOCs is not in the videos (2015-03-31)
- Are quantum computers faster than classical computers? (2015-03-21)
- This Week in Finnish Politics (2015-03-14)
- Types of JavaScript (2015-01-31)
- Setting up Coq, Ssreflect and Proof General on OS X (2015-01-17)
- Yearnote 2014 (2015-01-06)
- Ambronite mini-review (2014-12-17)
- Going to write a bachelor's thesis (2014-12-16)
- Guts of the Golden Pig (2014-11-29)
- Event notes: ClojuTRE 2014 (2014-11-26)
- A photo essay: Haronmäki (2014-11-17)
- Customizing Nix packages (2014-11-07)
- Did taking photos teach me anything? (2014-10-23)
- Four scientific ways to hack your learning (2014-10-21)
- NP and non-deterministic Turing machines (2014-10-08)
- Why does everything fall apart so quickly? (2014-10-06)
- Practicing photography (2014-09-27)
- Houkutteleva tutkijanura (2014-09-26)
- In praise of Hiccup (2014-09-25)
- Is being normal anti-establishment? (2014-09-12)
- Electromagnetic Field 2014 (2014-09-07)
- Math is programming (2014-08-05)
- When is static typing worthwhile? (2014-06-24)
- Hard things in software engineering (2014-05-04)
- Linux problems, April 2014 (2014-04-06)
- Baudrillard on Jogging (2014-04-05)
- Renaming files with zmv (2014-03-09)
- Weak views, strongly held (2014-03-01)
- Flappy Sine (2014-02-15)
- nix-docker and docker volumes (2014-02-03)
- Baana, Helsinki (2014-01-28)
- Compiling assembler files with avr-gcc without C runtime (2014-01-27)
- People Never Change (2014-01-03)
- Peruna, a horse and a medicine (2013-11-25)
- Mental Attitude of the Grid (2013-11-18)
- Silver Streetcar for the Orchestra (2013-11-16)
- ferret.gif (2013-08-23)
- Why do you write commit messages? (2013-08-20)
- Setting up nginx for static content with Pallet (2013-08-18)
- Tomaatti-Sota (2013-08-14)